Last weekend (2005-06-11) Karlsruhe City Grid, "Central" Germany, hosted its 70th Netrunner tournament. The format was Sealed Deck: 1 double starter, 1 limited booster and 2 Proteus boosters per player. Only 4 players showed up who played round-robin. Final result: opp. TRC Tag games games AP 1. Lukas Kautzsch 65.5B.35 5.0 52-25 2. Roland Schediwy 65.5B.42 3.0 41-32 3. Jörg Weber 65.5B.3E 3.0 40-39 4. Olaf Wolf 65.5B.FE 1.0 16-53 Match results (first game: first player = corp): round 1: Lukas - Rol 10: 5 2:10 Jörg - Olaf 10: 3 3:10 round 2: Lukas - Jörg 10: 2 10: 5 Rol - Olaf 10: 0 10: 0 round 3: Lukas - Olaf 10: 0 10: 3 Rol - Jörg 6:10 0:10 The current German Ranking List after the tournament can be found at The next tournament in Karlsruhe is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, 2005-07-09 in the PTV building in Karlsruhe. Lukas Kautzsch SysOp, Karlsruhe City Grid (