Brian Smith vs. Mark Applin / Judge Kiran Patel Session Start: Sat Jul 17 1999 06:19:03 GMT everyone ready yep, ready mr judge the dice has decided that mark plays corp first just making som more tea... give me 60 secs opening hands coming up [corp: bizarre e.s , emp emp , neural blade , galatae , corp war] [runner: raptor , jack'n'joe , score! , expert schd. analyser, temple] now we're all waiting for mark - again :) shall we begin? ok d [scorched earth] ok a1: ice hq [galatea] a2: * a3: * 0/7/5 thinking... a1: play temple retrieve highliter a2: install highliter a3: run r&d access on call solo team 3 point agenda yeah !! a4: run r&d [vacant soul killer (t0)] trash it trashed vacant soul killer 3/1/4 you have 2 highliter counters d [corp runners shat. remains] a1: d [marine arc] a2: d [ice pick wil] a3: ice r&d [ice pick wil] trash 2 cards [corp runners / BES] 0/7/5 a1: jack n joe [short circuit , codecracker , loony goon] a2: install expert schedule analyser a3: run hq rez? rez Galatea (as a wall) -6* a4: run r&d rez? no [rockerboy prom (t3) , managment shakeup] 3/1/5 three highliter counters d [rockerboy prom] a1: * a2: * a3: * trash 1 card [neural blade] 0/4/5 a1: run r&d rez? no access [mang.shakeup - crstal wall - oncall solo team] score oncall solo team again : ) a2: run r&d rez? no [mang.shake up - crys wall - code corpe - TKO 2.0] a3: run r@d rez? no [as above with fetch 4.0.1] a4: run r&d rez ? no [+ trojan horse] 6/1/5 seven highliter counters d [management shake up] a1: install + rez rockerboy in sdf#1 a2: 3* from rockerboy a3: 3* from rockerboy 0/6/5 a rich corp is a happy corp:) not very happy right now... a1: * a2: * a3: run sdf#1 and trash rockerboy -3* a4: run r&d rez? um ... let me think... rez ice pick willie -5* trash highlighter rules check: the counters are still there, right? yes 6/0/5 d [crystal wall] a1: * a2: * a3: * trash 1 card [crystal wall] 0/4/5 a1-4: **** 6/4/5 d [code corpse] a1-3: *** trash 1 card [code corpse] 0/7/5 a1: * a2: play score a3: install loony goon a4: run r&d 3 bits to break I.P.Willie access? forgo actions hehe :)Finally he cracks :) So I only see 1 card ? just wanted to know what card I saw...but I know anyway, right ? From before ? [TKO 2.0] 6/2/3 d [TKO 2.0] (a1-a3: forgone) trash 1 card [TKO 2.0] 0/7/5 a1: install short circuit a2: use short circuit; retrieve ramming piston a3-4: ** 6/2/3 d [fetch 4.0.1] a1: ice hq [fetch 4.0.1] a2-3: ** 0/8/5 a1: d [body weight synth blood] a2: d [ramming piston] a3-4:** 6/4/5 d [trojan horse] a1-3: *** trash 1 card [trojan horse] 0/11/5 a1: short circuit; retrieve r&d protocal files a2: install r&d protocal files a3: use r&d p.f. to run r&d (-3*to break IP willie) [zombie - schlaghund - data wall - audit of call records - data wall 2.0] a4: * 6/1/5 d [zombie] a1: anu in sdf #1 [marine arc] a2: management shakeup - 3 counters on sdf1 score marine arc a3: * 2/2/4 a1-3: *** a4: install ramming piston 6/0/4 d [schlaghund] a1-2: *** a3: d [data wall] trash 1 card [schlaghund] 2/5/5 a1-4: **** 6/4/4 d [audit of call records] thinking... a1-2: *** a3: * trash 1 card [employee emp] 2/9/5 a1: run r&d using r&d prot. files -3* [data wall 2.0 - politcal coup - systematic layoffs - fetch 4.0.1 - nightshift] a2: * a3: * a4: d (HQ interface] 6/3/5 d [data wall 2.0] a1-2: *** a3: install ice #2 on r&d [zombie] 2/11/5 thinking... a1-3:*** a4: run r&d rez? rez zombie -9* raise strength 4* 2* to break brain damage routines allow end the run you have a choice?! 6/0/5 d [polital coup] a1-2: *** a3: ice sdf#1 [data wall] 2/5/5 a1-4:**** 6/4/5 d [systematic layoffs] a1-2: *** a3: * trash 1 card [data wall 2.0] 2/9/5 a1-4: **** 6/8/5 d [fetch 4.0.1] a1: install anu in sdf #1 [corp war] a2: advance sdf#1 a3: systematic layoffs - add 2 counters to sdf#1 score corp war loose all bits D'oh! 5/0/4 if you want to forgo...:) I know! um.. i think i'll keep them! a1: install hq interface a2: run hq rez? rez fetch wear the tag and keep running -2* to break galatea access two cards you access fetch 4.0.1 & audit of call records a3: again you see - scorched earth & political coup (ex sch ana) woohoo!!! no not scored - just seen with expert schedule analyser no...I ran r&d er...hq hang on : action 3, I'm running HQ again - two more random cards accessed plz are you taking another tag? yes access - fetch 4.0.1 & audit (D'Oh!) same cards..... yeap :) evil shuffle :( totally random I assure you a4: * 6/1/4 plus 2 tags [ where's my doggie???] [ you trashed him. d'oh] [ i can still drop a meteor...] d [night shift] a1: night shift [filter] a2: d [cerberus] a3: install ice #2 on hq (trash fetch) [filter] 5/1/5 a1: * a2: run hq rez? rez filter a3-4: ** 6/4/4 d [I got a ROCK !!!] [ i need 1 more bit!!!!!] [ yes I know] a1-3: **** trash 1 card [cerberus] 5/5/5 a1: short circuit: retrieve Shredder uplink protocol a2: * a3: install Shredder (trash ESA & R&D Prot. Files) a4: Use Shredder to run HQ via archives access - fetch 4.0.1 & i got a rock :) soon....soon :) 6/0/4 d [canis major] a1: install + rez IGAR in sdf1 a2: use IGAR splat Ouch ! Big BIG hurtings whooooooooooommmmmmm!!!!£$£"$%^^$$£""£$%% there goes australia... one more game to go :) my bad luck on those random draws :) thanks, brian - a very close game indeed you didn't see mark opening hand :) you should have run the archives... and not with shredder lol !! Should've but forgot :( preparing for game 2 ive made the same mistake many times ok - taking a 2 minute break... most people I know don't trash agendas, so I've got out of the habit :) canyou do it that quickly? too many wimps around here !! ;) Are we ready? not weady yet - waiting fow mark to get back more tea? :) too much tea, maybe ;) a bit of both... i'm back! Ok.. let's rock (sorry) you pissed into a cup and drank it?! have you tasted my tea? hooooowwwwlll... LOL [corp: marine arc - hunter - scramble - datacomb - nightshift] [runner: cascade - r&d interface - livewire - zetatech memchip - code cracker] d [solo squad] a1: install ice on sdf#1 [Scramble] a2: install anu in sdf#1 [Marine Arc] a3: advance anu 0/4/4 a1: run sdf rez? yes -3* rezzed scramble a2: install codecracker a3: run sdf break ice *3 access? yes marine arc whohoo! [ if you're gonna get excited, at least do it properly - it's WOOHOO!] [ who's getting excited?] a4: * 2/1/4 d [priorty req - lucky he didn't run, huh?] a1: play night shift [eff experts] a2: play efficiency experts a3: ice on hq [Datacomb] 0/6/3 a1: livewires a2: install cascade a3: run r&d access - on call solo team - you get on eback :) WOOHOO! (happy, K?) a4: run r&d [mang shake up] hyp: do you know kir ? 5/0/2 (2 cascade counters) he's my lover yah... I know him in your dreams?! oh yes. every night :) d [mangment shake up] cascade trashed turbeau delacroix a1: d [planning consultants] a2: play planning consultants [you see - pie in the face - marked accounts - data wall 2.0 - quandry - main office reloc] [let me know top to bottom] [quandry, pie in the face, data wall 2, main office, marked accts] a3: * 0/7/4 a1: run r&d [quandry] at: run r&d again (give another cascade ctr) [quandry] a3: d [vewy vewy quietly] a4: * 5/1/3 stop [ what order to trash & draw?] [ trash 2 first and draw?] [ do I have a choice?] [ yes] [ I would prefer to trash one, draw, then trash] [ good...keeping pie in the face, trashing quandry and datawall] [ yes. every two cascade counters generate a separate sot effect] [ ok - draw pie in the face] continue...trash first then draw cascade trashed quandry & data wall 2.0 a1: install ice on r&d [pie in the face] a2: ice #2 on r&d [Hunter] a3: * 0/7/3 a1: d [loony goon] a2-4: *** 5/4/4 forgo three actions d [main office reloc] 0/7/4 a1-4: **** 5/8/4 d [marked accounts] a1-3: *** 0/10/5 a1: d [hunt club BBS] a2-4: *** 5/11/5 d [bolter cluster] a1: ice #2 on sdf1 [bolter cluster] a2: install anu in sdf1 [priority requisition] a3: * 0/10/4 a1: HCBBS both cards on sdf1 and inner ice on r&d sdf ice = bolter cluster anu = priority req r&d ice = pie in the face thinking... a2-4: *** 5/13/4 d [Dr Dreff] a1: advance anu a2-3: ** 0/11/5 a1: * a2: install looney goon a3: run sdf rez? that's game...well done thanks brian - like you, i got a good draw as the runner likewise :) glad to finally get round 1 out of the way !! i guess we both got a lousy corp draw? final scores - mark/brian c:10-r:6, R:10-c-0 mine wasn't bad, could've installed a wall first turn instead of codegate...50-50 chance :) unusual to see two runner wins in sealed it would have been very unusual duh...brain fart, sorry *would've* been...I came close 3 times :( ONE MORE BIT !!!!! So - do the toilets downunder flush the other way ? :) i guess you should have won as the runner... i couldn't believe the highlighter! yes, a big bit of luck that you didn't ice r&d ?one more bit? he got 6 ap quickly - then you had the rest in your hand that run where you rezzed zombie yeh I could've worn the damage, worn the trash program off I.P Willie (after breaking the End The Run) and take the damage, trash a prog, win the game. good deal taken P.Coup off the top of r&d i see but 'twas not to be ! Alas and alack... gotta go out for dinner...when is round many round do I play ? thanks again, Brian good luck in the rest of WD I have to wake up & have breakfast! how old are you guys ? I'm 28 21 I'll send on the result to lukas - I'm sure he'll let everyone know about round 2 ASAP 25 mark's about 54 I think oops - meant to type 36 fingers must have slipped do you find it hard to find nr players ? Difficult to get people to come to tournaments here...only 2 at the last one :( there is a core group of about 10 player in the London area who won? how many rounds I lost :( ! It was Sealed...didn't stay for the open we played best of 3 just to lengthen the time a little Wasn't worth playing,'cos I knew the guy (taught him actually) and we could've played at home and saved ourselves the trip ! I've got plenty of stock here maybe i'll come to london one day and we can have a meatspace event. bye - may meet you again brian, as I'm hosting for Nilesh & Pip your're welcome any time ta :) see you later kiren (sp ?) save us having to wake up early :) Session Close: Sat Jul 17 1999 09:29:23 GMT